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Hair Fall Treatment/ PRP THERAPY

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Hair Loss?

It is said that hair is your health barometer and if you’re seeing more of it on your pillow or in the shower, it is always a wise decision to consult a doctor , at the right time and at the right age. Excessive hair loss is attributed to a number of reasons - genetics, illness, medications, or even a poor diet. It can be extremely disturbing and embarrassing and there are many approaches to hair loss prevention – medical intervention, surgical, non invasive PRP, Diet etc.
Losing hair is a natural occurrence and according to multiple studies, on an average, we lose at around 50-100 hair strands on regular basis. And this happens because your hair goes through its cycle where your hair re-grows when you lose them. However, if that cycle disturbs because of certain reasons, you should immediately get your Doctor's appointment. Also, there are certain physical and mental reasons which contribute to it. Losing hair also acts as an indicator of your overall health and therefore it is important to be careful about excessive hair loss. PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a patient’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.
PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. Sometimes this approach is combined with other hair loss procedures or medications. PRP therapy is a three-step process. Most PRP therapy requires approximately three- five treatments 4–6 weeks apart.
Step 1-
Your blood is drawn — typically from your arm — and put into a centrifuge — a machine that spins rapidly to separate fluids of different densities.
Step 2
After about 10 minutes in the centrifuge, your blood will have separated into in three layers:
-platelet-poor plasma
-platelet-rich plasma
-red blood cells
Step 3
The platelet-rich plasma is drawn up into a syringe and then injected into areas of the scalp that need increased hair growth. Jindals Clinic is well equipped with state of art facilities, the latest technologies and infrastructure along with customer friendly environment. Our team at Jindals Clinic have highly trained and certified doctors. For any assistance/queries please email at- [email protected]